May 31, 2004

Greater Than Less Than

Or... Equal to?

Thoughts that I wanted to share with you today:

  • I've always been a proponent of the claim that an individual is better off having known any given person that they have encountered in their life. Recently my own behaviour has made me call this claim into question. Is there not an equal opportunity to be "worse off"? It really isn't a question of benefit or disadvantage; rather, it's a question of net benefit. Were there more positive outcomes in my personality, my intellect, my attitudes, behaviour, and soul, after knowing her, or more negative. I cannot decide.

  • What do you do when you realize that you've become a part of an abstract entity? "Ottawa", "The Bureaucracy", and "The Government" were always very abstract entities to me. Even when I first rushed the scene, the city was still somewhere near Olympus. Even when I could see parliament hill and the Peace Tower from my high-rise living room, it was still miles away. Kilometres, my bad. Even when I met the people and walked the hallways the bureaucracy was still a sallow, faceless spectre. Ever so slowly, it's all becoming real. I'm not so much frightened by the existential nature of my post-modern conundrum. I'm more concerned by the question that I have to ask myself next: what do you do when you realize that you've become a part of an abstract entity that you detest?

Love, Sarah

May 26, 2004

Let's Get Quizzical

Oscar is an interesting young fellow. One night, probably around three in the morning, he came into the bedroom where I was asleep, but on the verge of waking. He crept to the far side of the bed, most likely by walking around, although I wouldn't put it past him to slink beneath the bed, and poked his head up just enough that I could see as far as the bottom of his nose. Note: I use the term "see" quite loosely, as I was not wearing my glasses and had not miraculously regained the third of my vision that seems to have gone the way of the heathens. He approaches me with a very curious manner, perhaps confused by the fact that I have all the trappings of his mother, but smell somewhat more like his brother. Note: As I cannot verify the similarity of our scents, this statement is almost purely conjecture. A few other curious habits include the occasional frenzied run around the apartment, and his affinity for running in front of my legs to "brush by" (read: trip me and leave me prone on the floor, unconscious, glasses broken, concussed). He also likes to jump in the bathtub just as I'm about to take a shower, which makes it somewhat difficult for me to achieve my desired goal. Such is the Oscar-Sarah continuum.

May 17, 2004

Good Golly Miss Molly!

What have they done to Blogger? Oh the agony! I'm appalled. I don't know when people are going to learn that change is only a good thing when things need changing. The nature of blogger was dynamic enough that they didn't need to shake things up. Fie! Fie on you reformatters! Fie I say!

May 04, 2004

Precious Gay Bars

Nothing beats some healthy nonsensical banter and bickering with your older brother. The vacation is going well, the spirits are high, and the turmoil of the underground is wondrously melodramatic. I'm off to enemize with the fraternity... Cheers!

May 03, 2004

A Welcome Change

The year from hell has finally ended. The room mate from hell is no longer my room mate. I flew like a bat out of hell... a bus-riding bat in a frantic hurry, but a bat nonetheless. I have finally returned from whence I came, and could not be more pleased. Have had an overall excellent two point six repeating days so far. I've done quite a bit of family activity though, and am starting to get the friend itch. The friends are a bit of a challenge, mostly because of my ghetto homestead and my more than slightly possessive family, but I think I'm up to it. Heathen-like revelry, here I come!