April 17, 2006

Something Like a Chameleon

Of course, my relationship with people is quite different. In all honesty there are very few people with whom I feel comfortable, very few instances in which I feel that the people around me are congruous, or counterbalanced, or complementary to myself. Most of the time I feel alien, apart from other people. This, of course, is when I break out the wallflower version of myself, or even worse, the socializing version of myself.

Imagine, if you will, a documentary narrative running through your head every time you find yourself in a group larger than four or so people. When I wallflower, at least I get to be that narrative. Everything I hear and see I may register where I will, observing natural people in their normal environment from my quiet little corner. When I socialize, however, the narrative keeps running, and I become subject. The narrative, of course, knows that I fake, that I play at being a real person, and hearing it run through my head I struggle against the urge to tense inside and retreat.


Maybe? Maybe not? I have noticed, as of late, that I have a bit of a knack for blending in. Not wallflowery, disappearing blending in, although I think I do a fair bit of that, but the inconspicuous, seeming like I should to be precisely where I am sort of blending in. Perhaps I give myself too much credit, but I cannot remember, ever, feeling as though I had stepped into the wrong space.

I do not know what or why this feeling is. In every city, on every continent, I feel as though I have never moved, as though the thousands of kilometres were nothing more than a change in scenery, a faint wash on the foreground of my life. Nothing moves around me, you see, only inside me. There are worlds inside me.

April 09, 2006

{Posting About [Nothing} to Post About]

I mean really. It's not as though there has been a lack excitement in my life in the past five or so weeks. It's not as though I've told anyone about all the excitement. It's not as though there's any legitimate reason I haven't written about all the adventures I've had as of late. I mean, I could try the I've been really busy with school and work and all the other things that make up my life excuse, except that, although I truly have been very busy, I've also been procrastinating to excess. In fact, this post is really just me, procrastinating again, and yet not writing any of the more interesting things I have to tell all *squints at ceiling while counting on fingers* five of you. So here are the posts that you should be getting out of me in the next few weeks:

  • Something Like a Chameleon
  • Something Like a Chameleon Parte Deux: Why Learning to be Properly Socialized Has Convinced Me That I am Innately Evil
  • What's Brown, Happy, and Legal All Over?

Okay. So that's only three. There should be more. There is definitely more to be told. But three posts is a decent amount to catch up on. Hold me to it. Seriously. If not, so much of my oddness will just sublimate into nonexistence, and sublimated oddness is really just missed opportunities to enjoy life.

Oh, and I was going to dedicate an entire post to that time that I almost died at the Met. See. It's already going! Hold me to it people!

And why I'm so terrible at expressing myself vocally! Seriously people, this is gold! Just passing you by!