May 31, 2005

WHAM! Pineappled!

Today has been a good day. Terribly unproductive, but one of the best days I have had this month. And I have not so much as left the house yet. Things that make today wonderful:
  • wedding planning
  • unexpected conversations with wonderful persons
  • plans falling apart, only to come together perfectly
  • barbecues
  • foreign adventure
  • pineapples

I opened the pantry in hopes of finding a cracker. A cracker for a snacker, you might say. As I was closing the Breton box, cracker in mouth, I looked up to the top shelf of the pantry. And that's when it hit me. WHAM! PINEAPPLED! Right between the eyes! Note: I was not, in fact, literally marked by the pineapple. But it was a shocker, let me tell you. Oh yes, that is what I was just about to do... Now normally the site of a pineapple would not inspire nearly so much shock and awe in me, but this was an exceptional little pineapple. In the nearly two years that I have inhabited this apartment, you see, there has never, (no, never) been a pineapple to inhabit it with me. You might say the 99 is a pineapple free zone. Note: people might look at you funny if you did, but you just might anyway, you crazy nut, you. So the sight of a pineapple was a highly unusual and foreign experience. Kudos, young produce, for you have braved the treacherous journey that is... being purchased and carried home by Angela!