Conspire: c.1300, from O.Fr. conspirer, from L. conspirare "to agree, unite, plot," lit. "to breathe together," from com- "together" + spirare "to breathe" (see spirit). Conspiracy is from 1386; conspiracy theory is from 1909.
November 12, 2003
So what is the deal? Will she stay or won't she? Personally I'm all for the multiple identities. It suits me nicely, after all. So who is going to defect? Me or her? After all I'm still cooler than Sarah... right? Or Is she cooler than me? I don't know. It's an existentialist question isn't it? What the hell does being cooler than her have to do with anything, you ask? Nothing really, it's just something to strive for. That and finding the Ho-dot boy before he moves to Hong Kong. My life would make a splendid animé, wouldn't it? Soooo very lame. You really should have seen me last night. I was just on a role... one-liners coming out of everywhere. It was ridiculous. Also I completed shafty assignment. What one page summaries can do for ancient philosophy I will never know.