November 14, 2003

Xavier who? I wouldn't freak out about children just yet. Children are pretty much an afterthought at this point. While we may only have, say 15 years, that's a lot of time, especially after taking into account that life can change in a heartbeat. Change of subject: relationships. We're going in reverse. I don't understand the relationship as an I am in need of completion phenomenon. Not that I have any sort of authority on the matter, but why are people so very self involved? A person is not an extension of yourself, a person is a person. You can't let go at the end of a relationship or the end of the physical manifestation of a relationship because you never had a grasp. What do you expect to let go of? The person? You never had them to begin with. The relationship itself? The relationship is you, it's a part of you, not something that happens to you. The memories? Well now you're just denying the truth as far as it is concerned with you.