July 09, 2004


When who you are starts to interfere with who you want to maintain relationships with you are faced with two possible perspectives on the dilemma:
  • You are lying to yourself; who you are is in fact not who you should be. If you are afraid or ashamed to expose yourself to someone you care for very much, then you must be denying that certain habits and practices do not truly meet the standards you set for yourself.
  • The people with whom you wish to maintain relationships are stupid, narrow-minded assholes. Why exactly do you want to maintain relationships with these people anyway? They will take you as you are or will take who you are and fly with it.

So which direction do you choose to think in?

"My friends, my habits, my family. They mean so much to me. I just don't think that it's right." --Modest Mouse, One Chance, Good News for People Who Like Bad News