Conspire: c.1300, from O.Fr. conspirer, from L. conspirare "to agree, unite, plot," lit. "to breathe together," from com- "together" + spirare "to breathe" (see spirit). Conspiracy is from 1386; conspiracy theory is from 1909.
January 16, 2004
I cannot help but sigh. When did I stop sighing out of relief? It does not seem to happen very often anymore. Is there a point in the life of every human being at which external reality ceases to have any sort of positive potential. Reality just seems to disappoint me at every tiny evolution. These are moments that would seem insignificant to most, but to me they are definitive. It seems that every time reality has a chance to prove that it has something to offer to me, someone will inevitably do something so profoundly intolerable that my tiny glimmer of hope disappears into a frenzy of dark, empirical disappointment. My only solace is idealism.