Conspire: c.1300, from O.Fr. conspirer, from L. conspirare "to agree, unite, plot," lit. "to breathe together," from com- "together" + spirare "to breathe" (see spirit). Conspiracy is from 1386; conspiracy theory is from 1909.
January 29, 2004
Portugese man-o-wars can cause paralysis...I bet the jellyfish overlords are breeding millions of them in an evil attempt to paralyze us all, then they'll make their move! That attack on my father was a prilimiary trial in order to see if the paralyzing juices were strong enough, and, seeing that they weren't up to their full potency yet, the jellyfish overlords must have decided to hold off on their attack for a few more years. That was about ten years ago. The first assualt could come at any time...