I Projectile-Peed My Pants
This was only the beginning. Late yesterday evening, after returning from the second of my many dinner engagements, Raja, Chelsea and I decided that it was payback time. We had yet to find a solution to our egg dilemma. I am referring, of course, to the eggs that caused our rather unpleasant case of food-poisoning earlier this week. Rather than simply throwing them into the garbage chute, we went on a campus-wide smash and bash vengeance fest. Unfortunately, we ended up in the alley right outside of our own apartment, and the contents of approximately four rotten eggs mysteriously found themselves on the walkway. Ever the responsible vandals, we decided we had better try and clean the mess as best we could. Unfortunately neither I nor Chelsea had brought our keys. As both of our room mates were somewhere between Markham and New Brunswick, we were faced with a certain challenge in terms of re-entering the apartment. After much running about, I managed to weasel my way back in, and we proceeded to take a few jugs of water into the alley and wash off the eggs. It was at this point that Meg from across the way happened to walk by and inquire as to what we were doing. I told Meg that some irresponsible hoodlums had egged the walkway and that we had taken it upon ourselves to clean up the mess before it became a nuisance. She was quite impressed and thanked us for our efforts.