February 16, 2004

The End of An Era

I've come to a moment in my life that, despite it's gradual arrival, is so unexpected and deeply affecting that for once I feel it is necessary to write in unabstract terms about something taken directly from my real life. I am over Third Eye Blind. I never thought it would happen. For seven years this band was unequivocally the shit of my existence. The first album was, and remains, my first quasi-emo love. Blue was a masterful construction of experimentation and beautiful, beautiful music. If this band has been the shit, though, Out of the Vein was just shit. Oh well, I never said they were cool, just that I loved them. And so, while I will always keep a place in my heart for that which was my first musical love all of my own, I am no longer a one band girl. Please submit applications to become my new favourite band to C/My Documents/My Music.